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Work Uniforms

Helping Employees Stand Out from the Crowd

Many workplaces require the use of uniforms. In fast food restaurants, the uniform helps emphasise the corporate identity. In a car workshop, a mechanic's uniform is a practical way for him to keep clean.

Police and other security organizations wear instantly identifiable uniforms to emphasize their authority, often with a shield and other insignia to show their rank. Naturally there are exceptions to this: plain clothes policemen and detectives don't normally wear a uniform as this would hinder their crime detection efforts.

Work Uniforms
Why Do I have to Wear Work Uniforms?
Competition among companies in similar industries is often very fierce, especially a job that is part of the hospitality industry, food service industry or entertainment industry. One way that businesses are ...

A Uniform Shirt is Not Just a Shirt
A uniform shirt whether part of a business suit, military uniform or other outfit is an important item of clothing. Often breast pockets, cuffs or shoulders are used to...

Police Uniforms
There is more than meets the eye with law enforcement and military corps uniforms. Patrolmen, gendarme and constables have unique and special clothing and uniform needs...

Pilot Uniforms Vary Depending on the Needs of a Flight
There are many different types of pilots even though the most popular image of a pilot that we are exposed to is that of a fighter pilot or a commercial pilot. Because different flights require...

Security Uniforms are Recognizable Symbol of Authority
Security guards have to wear recognizable security uniforms if they want the people that he confront to respect their authority. Dressed like the average Joe, they will not be very effective in moving people along or confronting them about their questionable activities....

A History of Maids and their Uniforms
Out of a total population of 29 million, an estimated one and a half million people worked as domestic servants in England and Wales during the period 1850 to 1914. Till 1921, more than ...

Crest Uniforms
For thirty years now, Crest Uniforms has been a leading manufacturer of uniforms for the healthcare and restaurant sectors. And in a market where competition is ...

Hotel Uniforms
Besides promoting a feeling of solidarity and teamwork amongst co-workers, a worker’s uniform represents a certain level of professionalism and dignity. It also saves ...

Industrial Uniforms and Safety
A worker's uniform serves many purposes. First of all, it promotes a feeling of unity and identity amongst co-workers, fostering ...

Postal Uniforms
Even in this age of emails, everyone still relies on the postal service to take care of bulky deliveries, and for the age-old Christmas cards that online versions will never replace. With all the packages that need ...

Cherokee Uniforms
Cherokee has been in the business of creating and designing functional and stylish apparel for healthcare professionals since 1972. Cherokee uniforms promise the highest in fashion, while dressing you in complete comfort in your scrubs, medical uniforms and specialized footwear ...

Are Corporate Uniforms Widely Used?
Corporate uniforms in both the retail environment and the corporate office environment exist today. In retail, like fast food chains, the uniform is bright and distinctive and exactly ...

Landau Uniforms
When Rudolph Landau was still driving from garage to garage selling workmen's uniforms back in 1938, he probably never expected his business to grow into ...

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