Pioneer of the American work uniform manufacturing industry, Williamson-Dickie Manufacturing Co., maker of Dickies Industrial Wear started out as a uniform manufacturer during the Second World War and is now one of the biggest manufacturers of industrial wear and other lines of clothing. According to Dickies, work wear is now a $1.6 billion industry. This could be true as recent surveys indicate that more than 32 million U.S. workers wear uniforms of some kind.
A worker's unifrom serves many purposes. First of all, it promotes a feeling of unity and identity amongst co-workers, fostering the spirit of teamwork. A worker’s uniform is also an indication of belonging to the particular organization that a person is working for. This identification becomes more important when considering the fact that consumers have more confidence in the quality of the products or services of an organization that employs uniformed workers.
Safety is the main concern in the industrial sector, so the notion of identity has to be integrated with solutions that promote safety. This is especially true for workers operating in high accident risk areas. The Industrial Uniform must form a part of their protective gear which will be able to protect them from injury and shield them from hazardous conditions like harmful chemicals that may be related with this sector. For example, a construction company may prescribe single color hardhats that bear the company’s logo for every worker, thereby combining two important aspects of the industrial uniform – Identity and Safety.
Industrial uniforms may be prescribed for workers depending on the type of industry, workplace conditions and the number of departments a company has. There could be multiple sets and types of uniforms instead of one if the workforce is divided into a number of sections; with specific uniforms prescribed for each section of workers. For example, workers operating in extreme weather conditions may be provided with Artic or insulated jackets while those working in hazardous conditions like mining may be equipped with hardhats, padded jackets and other protective clothing.
There are many types of Industrial uniforms available; depending on the work conditions and the type of industry that needs them. Industrial Uniforms normally include bibs, coveralls, flame-resistant jackets, denims, head shields, masks, lab coats, hooded sweatshirts, helmets, thermal underwear, goggles, gasmasks etc. The fabrics and materials used for all these clothes are durable, practical and designed to withstand rough working conditions, and at the same time, to maintain the lowest level of discomfort.
Besides Dickies Industrial Wear, there are numerous Industrial Uniform manufacturers and providers in the United States. Some of the bigger manufacturers include companies like Carharrt, which has been providing different varieties of industrial clothing for workers in numerous industries including construction and manufacturing for more than 115 years. Bulwark Protective Apparel serves over 5,000 international companies in the industrial sector. Topps Safety Apparels is one of the biggest manufacturers of fire-resistant resistant industrial wears and Walls is a 60 year old manufacturer of industrial clothing and supplies industrial apparels such as insulated jackets, coveralls and polar hoods etc.